It’s Really Happening

Today, we met to discuss the telecommuting program and review the equipment we will be supplied. I was surprised when I saw that not only were we being given a laptop but they were throwing in flat screen monitor, laserjet printer, and a wireless keyboard and mouse. WOW. I suppose they are really commuted to this project. One department has already started and in 2 weeks we will begin too. I am not sure I will take all the equipment yet. I like my mac and rally only suffer the PC at work. We shall see…but to get to my machine at work, I will need to use the laptop.

I have to say after reviewing the schedule and realizing how little I would actually be in the office I decided that this would help ease some of the stress I have been under lately. Having worked from home before I know I am far more productive and far happier. Of course, I don’t think this has changed my mind about leaving, but it does make it a bit more tolerable. The schedule for December is crazy, it is swayed so much in my favor because of the holidays. But I was very happy when I saw it.

Everything now seems to be a wait and see…wait and see how working from home goes…wait and see if any more interesting opportunities present themselves…what and see what the new year holds.

I am starting to get excited, for what I haven’t a clue, I just have a feeling…something good is only around the next corner.